5.3 Esports Event System
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In terms of the Esports Event System, we plan to work with community DAO organisations and ecological partner BSPN to create multi-dimensional events, including:
- In-game tournaments
- Small tournaments on streaming platforms
- Regional tournaments
- Professional leagues
Regional leagues:
-Degen Pro League (DPL) for Mainland China
-League of Degen Master Series (LDS) for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan
-League of Degen Champions Korea (DCK) for South Korea
-Pacific Championship Series (PCS) for South East Asia
-Other Wildcard Regions
-Degen Game Masters Tournament, restricted to level 9 decks, played in a cup format
-Degen Game City Elite Tournament, restricted to level 5 decks, with offline finals held in distinctive cities around the world. Winners are selected through online qualifiers and invited directly to the finals based on ladder rankings.
-Degen Game Community Tournaments, based on the ladder system